Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Highview Series 4: Living for Heaven or Earth?

For the fourth week of the book discussion series of The Bishop and The Seeker at Highview Christian Fellowship, Laurie from Celebration Center served as seeker of the week, reading from Chapter 20, "Living for Heaven or Earth." Laurie is  featured in chapter 17, "Wicked and Evil Isn't That Bad," in which she spars with Bishop Thomas asserting everyone is basically good. She ends by saying, "I'm not going to say another word until I've gone to ministerial school to learn to express myself properly."  And today, several years later, she returns half way through the ministerial program of One Spirit Interfaith Learning Alliance in New York.

Several times during the evening Bishop Thomas repeated his main theme of this series, "Telling Seekers the Truth about the Bible." "If Christians want to draw others to their faith, we need to focus on building relationships with them and using our lives as examples."

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